January 2020 || Hanna Roalson

Foundation Leadership Award 

January Student of the Month Physical Education Department 

The Physical Education Department has selected Hanna Roalson as this year's student of the month. Hanna exemplifies the model student in every aspect a physical education teacher desires! She is dressed and prepared daily for class while always giving 100 percent! Not only does she put forth maximum effort, this often comes after she has already put in a full day beginning with 5 AM workouts before school. The best thing about Hanna is the way she treats other people. Hanna always greets teachers and other students with a "hello" and exits with "have a good day". She treats others with respect and is always helpful to those in need. It is not uncommon for her to ask the teacher if they need help setting up equipment or see her assisting other students who may need a little extra attention. 

Hanna has an amazing work ethic, pays attention to detail, and exemplifies true leadership qualities. She does all these things with a smile on her face. Hanna's willingness to be helpful and respectful to all students has made a lasting impression on the Physical Education Department. 

We wish her much continued success as she pursues her academic and athletic career to study nursing and play softball at Mount Mercy University. The PE Department wishes Hannah the very best in her next adventure! 



In recognition of excellence, dependability, and willingness to go above and beyond expectations, The OTHS Educational Foundation presents this award to Hanna Roalson.


February 2020 || Keegan Nagle


December 2019 || REGAN O'FALLON