Teacher Grants
Each spring teachers and faculty are encouraged to submit for grants for any educational materials or supplies that are not covered under their yearly budget from the school. The foundation reviews the requests and supplies the funds for most, provided that the requests align with our goal of providing for the educational needs of the students. Occasionally, the school board will be considering the requests as well so the board works with the school to try and provide for as many requests as possible. Donations, endowments, and courtyard purchases all go directly into the foundations funds to equip the school for the students’ educational benefit.
2024 $40,763.30
All students Auditorium light board system $16,338.30
Fine Arts Fine Arts Speakers $6,000
Math Geometry Supplies $825
Special Education AbiliTees Project to promote job skills $3000
Business Tello Drones $1490
All Students Bag sets $1600
Physics Physics Day At Six Flags $2902
Art Digital Drawing Supplies $3394
Art Ceramics Supplies $4714
This year we were able to give a donation to each of these club to fund some activities for the school year:
Art Club, Athletic Trainers, A/V Club, Book Club, Character Counts, Chemistry Club, Feminist for Change ,
Fine Arts Club, Foreign Language Club, FFA, Gender and Sexualities Alliance (GSA), Pirate Press
Sign Language Club, Technology Student Association, Yearbook, Band ,Choir , Career Fair
DoChange, Key Club/Kiwanis, Ottawa Honor Society, Rotary Interact, Student Council, Pirate Nation
Earth Club
2023 $18,973
Physical Education Volleyball Nets $1256
Fine Arts Fine Arts Speakers $3750
Science Department Evolution Skull Observation Lab $2956
Special Education Upfront Magazine $330
Freshman Academy Digital Picture Frame $230
Art Department Digital Drawings Display $2963
CAD Display Case $2538
Pirate Nation Motivational Speaker $4950
All Students Motivational Speaker
Fine Arts Fine Arts Speakers
Theatre and Arts Auditorium Sound Board
All students auditorium sound board and wireless mics
Library – updated Spanish Library Books
Art Kiln for Art Classes
2020 $16,558
Science Department 20 AM Crystal Radio Kits
Science Department Planck's Constant Light Sensor Kit
Science Department Analytical/Technology Engagement in Science -Spectrophometer
All students Fine Arts Speakers
PE IHT Spirit System
Science Department Water heating element for distilled water maker
2019 $19,535.30
Biology/Chemistry Battery Backup Pump for 806 Fish Tank
Math Microsoft Surface for Classroom
Science Department Student Microscopes
Science Department Student Response System
Art Digital Photography Equipment
Biology/Science Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology
All students Fine Arts Speakers
Guidance/Social Work Dale Katcher Presentation - 30 visits
Freshman Academy Swivl'ed Lesson: Improving our teaching
2016 $19,770.96
STEM Science curriculum
Social Studies Scholastic Upfront Magazine
Art Panasonic Video Camera Cube
Photography DNP DS80 Dye Sublimation Photo Printer Kit
Math 31 TI 83+ Graphing Calculators
Science Vernier Melting Point Apparatus
Techonology Brightlink Interactive Projector
All students Fine Arts Speakers
Biology Marine/Salteater Fishtank Setup
School 4 microphones and Receivers
2015 $12,661.08
Special Education Transition Class Business
Physics/Chemistry (2) Flir One infrared cameras for IOS - Vernier
Building Wireless Microphone Systems for Auditorium
Math 14 TI 83 Graphing Calculators
All Students Motivational Speakers
Guidance/Social Work Building SEL Competencies in Students
Computer Science Digital Architecture Electrical Engineering
Mental Health Dale Katchur Presentations NCBHS
Art Griplock Art Display System