November 2021 || Joe Ovanic

Foundation Leadership Award November Student of the Month 

Social Science Department || JOE OVANIC 

Joe is a well-rounded student excelling in honors classes and Advanced Placement courses while positively competing in sports and contributing to many service organizations at OTHS. Through his own initiative, Joe has been a leader in our doChange mentoring program during PEP period. For example, he shares an inspirational quote of the day with his freshmen students and leads a short discussion. 

Joe is responsible, mature, and respectful. Many teachers note that he always has a positive attitude when they see him throughout the school day. He lends that smile and witty intellect to occasions that could be considered strenuous and difficult, thus lightening what could be a heavy load for all around him. 

The Social Science Division is proud to nominate Joe Ovanic for the OTHS Foundation "Student of the Month" as a representation of what we hope other OTHS students can strive to be. We wish him all the best in all his future endeavors.


December || Zachary Swart


October 2021 || Delaney Cooper