April 2022 || Zachary Graham

Fine Arts/Foreign Language Department Leadership Award

Zach is an exceptional, well-rounded student at OTHS. He is in his fourth year of Spanish. One teacher said, “Zach has a critical mind. He would demonstrate critical-thinking ability to synthesize an era or theme in class, always understanding the ‘big picture’.” This is evident in his academic history, having successful grades in all areas throughout his high school career.

During this time at OTHS, Zach also exhibited leadership skills in a variety of ways, beyond academics. For example, he is a DoChange Mentor and a four-year member of the basketball program. These activities allowed Zach to interact with a number of students where he served as an excellent role model.

His plans are to attend Indiana University, where he was accepted into its Honors Program. We know he will make an excellent collegiate student, and that he will positively influence the lives of the people with whom he will build relationships.

We are proud to recognize and award Zach Graham the OTHS Foundation Student of the Month.


May 2022 || Aaron Noble


March 2022 || Braiden Miller